Promotional Products

Showing Tag: "bottle" (Show all posts)

Promotional Sports Bottle: Perfect for Both Active and Inactive Individuals

Posted by Joseph Young on Tuesday, September 13, 2011, In : promotional products 
Utilizing promotional sports bottle as a tool to advertise a specific brand or to catch the audiences’ attention is a perfect idea to promote the entire company as a whole. Promotional sports bottle stands out as a primary consideration by most companies for their respective product since this promotional item is often versatile. It can be a perfect item for both genders in all age groups—just perfect for the brand’s publicity. Promotional sports bottle are often advertised in outdoor o...
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Blues about Bottled Water

Posted by Joseph Young on Friday, September 2, 2011, In : Advertising 
You would certainly find it harmless to get bottled water especially if you are on the go. As people always go for bottled water, the bulk of plastic from the bottles tend to go higher as well. What could this mean to the environment?

Plastic waste is never good for the environment as the material does not decompose and biodegrade easily. It takes more than 700 years for a plastic bottle to decompose in a certain landfill. Their debris thrown around lands will have unhealthy impact to ...
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