Promotional Products

Showing Tag: "bears" (Show all posts)

Make a Good Client Impression with Promotional Teddy Bears

Posted by Joseph Young on Wednesday, August 24, 2011, In : Advertising 

When you are launching a promotional campaign, you would definitely need something that is brilliant to make your business in the forefront of the minds of your potential clients. This is the exact time that promotional products must come into the picture. A promotional teddy kangaroo can be an outstanding option to give your clientele a good impression.

Promotional teddy bears can bear the name and logo of your company to make wonders for your campaign. You can let them wear especially-made...

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Sharing Your Gifts

Posted by Joseph Young on Thursday, August 4, 2011,

For those who are on a career break, vacation, or even for those who are just simply looking for ways to productively spend their weekends, there are various kinds of volunteer work that anyone can do.

People Projects

If you are great with people and you are great at listening and sharing, then try doing volunteer work at local children’s hospitals, orphanages and homes for the elderly. Instead of spending your day at the mall seeing those promotional products given by agents and spending...

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